Further reading
On an hpc cluster:
Every time you log in you'll see an motd (message of the day). Please pay attention to this, it may contain information about current events on the cluster.
The motd also shows you an email address that you can use if there are problems or if you have questions. Please note that you can mail at any time you like, but you'll usually only get a reply during office hours (local timezone in Delft), there is no 24/7 support on the hpc clusters.
A brief instruction manual (plain text only) can be found here: /opt/ud/LOCAL/doc/LOCALdoc.txt
On the web:
Wikipedia has a nice page about Beowulf style clusters:
If you are unfamiliar with Linux and want to learn more, you may find this tutorial helpful:
Another wiki written by one of the users of hpc11:
Also a useful source of information is the cluster wiki of the Stellenbosch University in South Africa. This is a cluster with a queue system that differs from our hcp clusters, but the principles for creating and submitting jobs are the same. Be carefull though, do not just copy the scripts you find in the examples, just use them as inspiration for your own scripts!
The TORQUE Administrator Guide has a chapter that covers job submission and management.